Thursday, May 5, 2011

East 185th Street Cleanup and Planting

Please note all of these plans may be rained out. For some reason, Cleveland is having one of its rainiest seasons ever so it makes it hard to make plans. If you have doubts about what is going on, please call the office at 481-7660 or just look for us on East 185th St. if you see us out, jump in!

Tomorrow May 6th is clean up day on East 185th St. For those of you who have indicated you will help clean up East 185th, here is the tentative schedule for tomorrow. As this is the first year we have had a merchant volunteer to feed us lunch and VASJ is sending a class of students, I am doing this by the seat of my pants. So here goes. We will meet at 11:00 at Muldoon's for lunch. After lunch, we will start at Muldoons cleaning up East 185th St. We will work our way up the street. At 1:00, the VASJ students will start at their end of the street and work their way down the street. Hopefully, we will all meet in the middle with the end result being a nice, clean East 185th Street.

For those of you who have volunteered to adopt a planter box, here are my tentative plans.

On Monday May 9th, mulch will be put down in all of the beds that will take mulch, some of them still have some mulch and some won't hold it in. I will have plants Monday afternoon for those of you who are adopting planter boxes please let me know how you would like to take delivery of your plants. I can drop them off to you or you can pick them up from me. Just let Denise know. The rest of us will start planting Tuesday.

If you have questions or want to talk to us, please don’t hesitate to call me at 216-481-7660.

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