Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State Parks to return to local hands

Northeast Shores is very excited that the Governor's proposed budget includes a provision to return our state parks (Euclid Beach, Wildwood, and Villa Angela) to local hands. We are diligently working with the MetroParks to make sure that the future of these parks is strong.

Councilman Polensek shared the following press release regarding this news:

Mayor Jackson Urges State of Ohio to Terminate Lease for Cleveland Lakefront Parks, including three in Ward 11
Councilman Polensek has long championed the termination of the lease to return these properties to the city 
CLEVELAND (February 7, 2013) – Cleveland City Councilman, Michael D. Polensek, Ward 11, personally thanked Mayor Frank G. Jackson for his action in urging and asking the State of Ohio to terminate their 50-year lease with the City of Cleveland pertaining to the Cleveland Lakefront State Park System. Councilman Polensek, who has three Lakefront State Parks in his ward, the historic Euclid Beach, Villa Angela Beach and Wildwood Marina, has long championed and advocated the termination of the lease and the return of these critical and historic properties back to the City of Cleveland. 
Councilman Polensek states, “for far too long the State of Ohio has neglected its responsibility along our precious lakefront. It is time for us to go in a new direction by reclaiming these parks and ultimately working with the Cleveland MetroParks System to create a real “Emerald Necklace” that would incorporate all of our lakefront parks and properties into a regional MetroParks System.  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create the kind of recreational facilities and economic development opportunities that we all have longed for in Northeast Ohio. Now is the time is for bold steps to be taken.” 
Councilman Polensek looks forward to working with Mayor Frank G. Jackson, State Representative Bill Patmon, who represents the Northeast Side of the City, the Governor’s Office and ODNR to make this dream a reality so all Greater Clevelanders may benefit. 
For additional information or if there are any questions please feel free to contact  Councilman Polensek. He may be reached at his office at (216) 664-4236.

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